Musca (Latin for '"the fly"') is a small constellation in the deep southern sky. It has got captured among the moving clouds. I had to revert to a previous release of gcam to get this one. The latest version does not help in the current hazy skies anymore.
Musca is bordered by Crux to the north, Carina to the west, and Centaurus to the northeast. It ranks 77th of the 88 constellations in size.
Musca was one of the 12 constellations established by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius from the observations of the southern sky by the Dutch explorers Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman, who had sailed on the first Dutch trading expedition, known as the Eerste Schipvaart, to the East Indies. De Houtman included it in his southern star catalogue in 1598 under the Dutch name De Vlieghe, "The Fly".
Musca Constellation - Chennai sky, May 2020 |
They assigned four stars to the constellation, with a star that would be later designated as Beta Muscae marking the head, Gamma the body, and Alpha and Delta the left and right wings, respectively.
We got reminded of Bun maska and Chai , but being the peak of summer and hot weather all around we reserved it for Bangalore times.
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