The Valarpirai, Shukla Paksha and waxing phase of the moon captured on Panchami, Sapthami, dwadesi and pournami.


Got hold of a kids lunar telescope and explored it. Found it to be of good fun and have to confess , was as thrilled as a kid to see the craters on the moon. The telescope is of refractor model and has 2 eyepieces, one with 18x power(20mm) and the other 90x power(4mm).

The first moon we got to observe was on Panchami. The use of higher power zoom was not easy initially and took some time to adapt to the lightings. On sapthami, tried again and succeeded in seeing the craters far clear . I have used my mobile phone to capture all the eyepiece images here.

On Dwadesi, I could get a very clear picture of the moon at evening 6.15 pm.
With the high power eyepiece, the moon looked like this.

'Pournami was tough luck with bad skies and we have planned to observe it again next full moon.


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