Lupus Constellation
Lupus constellation lies in the southern hemisphere, between Centaurus and Scorpius. Its name means “the wolf” in Latin. Lupus is the 46th constellation in size, occupying an area of 334 square degrees. Located it 9.45 pm South eastern sky.
The stars that now form the constellation Lupus used to be part of Centaurus constellation. They represented a sacrificed animal impaled by the centaur. The centaur was holding it toward the constellation Ara, the altar.
There are 2 stars Men and Kekouan that are prominent in this constellation.
The known asterism is more like an elongated rock. How much ever we tried matching to that, it was not working out. Then we understood the name meaning and matched it with the other asterism. It was indeed a wolf like pattern. Sometimes what the app shows certainly does not match to what we get to witness.
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