Gemini Constellatoin - Zodiac 3
Surprise! 13 stars out of 16 (originally 85 stars in this constellation
, I know, Phew!) showed up for me to locate the gemini constellation. Thank you
, Viewer's choice, it is Gemini constellation with the Moon today. I could have Venus too in the picture which got set in a matter of few minutes after this capture. Please increase your screen brightness to see the faint stars. I have purposefully not drawn the dotted lines very close to the stars , so if you zoom in and see, the faint stars are visible.

Gemini is one of the twelve zodiac constellations and one of the original 48 constellations the Greeks originally recognised. In modern days we have 88 constellations and Gemini is still one of them.
The constellation has two main bright stars, Castor and Pollux, the twins that inspired Gemini’s name. Even though they are referred to as the twins, Castor and Pollux were only half-brothers in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Pollux was a demigod (half-mortal, half-god) since he was a son of Zeus and was therefore immortal. When Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality so he could be with his brother so Zeus put them both in the sky as stars.
When the stars were getting their scientific name (Alpha Gem and Beta Gem respectively) the astronomer Johann Bayer didn’t correctly measure their brightness. Castor got the “Alpha” name which is usually reserved for the brightest star. In reality, Pollux is the brightest star and should have gotten that name.
I normally get to see only Pollux, Castor and Alhena. Yesterday, I
carried some books upstairs to set it as balance to use astrophotography mode and capture the constellation better 

To my surprise, 3 major stars and some faint stars did get captured....two stars below castor ie., τ Gem was still missing.
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