Corvus Constellation

We will talk about Corvus constellation today. I tend to mark the Corvus as a quadrilateral normally. But it has totally 5 stars and I had captured all 5 in this picture.


This constellation represents the tamil star Hastham and the nearest Zodiac constellation is Kanni/ Virgo. Corvus is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. But currently it is straight above my head in Chennai sky at 8 pm. Its name means "raven" in Latin.

The visible part of any constellation is called as asterism. I understood this as the popular shape with which we remember the constellation. The four brightest stars in Corvus – Algorab , Gienah, MInkar, Kraz– form an asterism known as the Sail, or the Spica’s Spanker, because the stars Gienah and Algorab point the way to Spica star, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo and the 15th brightest star in the night sky.


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