Canis Major Constellation

I now have a college going neighbour kid who accompanies us in star gazing( oh yes, btw, with social distancing, she stands in her terrace and we in ours). She has been identifying Venus, Sirius and Procyon on a daily basis for the past 3 days and the joy she expresses is something you cannot but notice
...the interactions that little A and the kid have and they start their own little competition on identifying the stars and constellations, does give more time for me to observe the constellation that i want to capture
. yesterday's sky while pointing to Sirius , she was asking me, "Akka which constellation does it belong to?" and that led to capturing Canis Major or the Greater Dog constellation which is right next to the Orion.

This bigger dog is pursuing a hare constellation represented by Lepus. Canis Major is home to Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and that is only after the brightest ever star that we all know, namely? Ya our SUN. 

There is a smaller dog, Canis Minor talked about in tandem with the hunter, which has another important start called Procyon, it is hard to miss Procyon when you locate Sirius.
Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the sky and the fifth nearest star system to the Sun. Sirius is a binary star. Binary stars are two stars orbiting a common centre of mass. Sirius is also part of the Winter Triangle (or the Great Southern Triangle), together with Procyon in Canis Minor and Betelgeuse in Orion constellation.
Adhara is the second brightest star in Canis Major and the 24th brightest star in the night sky.
Let us remember these for now and explore more as per our interests
. Have a nice day!

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